Who to contact if you have any questions?

Please Note:
  • This site is no longer operational.
  • The site was set up in September 2016 to support a specific recruitment exercise.
  • The site has not been updated and the information contained within is based upon the job advert in September 2016.
  • Please refer to the who to contact page if you would like contact details for HMRC Recruitment.

Please Note: 042R@hmrc.resourcing-support.co.uk was set up in September 2016 to support applicants in the recruitment process. This email address is now closed and is not monitored; emails will not be read or forwarded.

If you have current application for this campaign and are awaiting a formal offer or are held on a reserve list, please email: isbc.e&crecruitmentsupportteam2@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk

If you are currently undergoing Pre-Employment Checks and have a query regarding the Pre-Employment Checks please email: 042RPEC@hmrc.resourcing-support.co.uk. However if your query does not relate to the check itself and is a general query, please email: isbc.e&crecruitmentsupportteam2@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk.

If you have not applied for this campaign and are interested in a career with HMRC, please visit CS Jobs where all vacancies within HMRC are advertised: https://civilservicejobs.service.gov.uk