Apprenticeships FAQ

Apprenticeships are changing. They’re not just for trades anymore; you’ll find apprentices in almost every industry you can think of – from banks, to manufacturing, to marketing and more.

The schemes provide a real alternative to college, sixth form or university. In fact, statistics show that 89% of bosses say that they’d take an apprenticeship if they were starting out on their career now, and 30% of their company’s senior management are former apprentices.

Not sure if it’s right for you? Let’s take a look at what apprenticeships entail:

What is an apprenticeship?
An apprenticeship is a structured training programme which mixes work-based learning with classroom education. You’ll receive on-the-job training to build up your knowledge and skills, and earn money at the same time.

Who can be an apprentice? 
Nowadays, there is no upper age limit on apprentices, so you can begin an apprentice at any age. There are also fewer restrictions on the previous qualifications you can hold

How long does an apprenticeship last for?
Typically, you’ll complete it over a 12 month period, but that will depend on factors like the requirements of your employer and how long it takes you to gain the required range of experience.

What’s the benefit for me?
In addition to gaining valuable workplace experience, at the end of the apprenticeship you’ll achieve a nationally recognised qualification. You’ll be given time off work to complete your studying, and you’ll also receive at least 28 days paid annual leave.

View our latest Apprenticeships.