Interview guidance


Research the company
This shows you take an interest in what they do. Take a look at their website and read recent articles about the organisation. Make a note of any major changes, and basic information like their annual sales, number of employees, geographic location and latest industry trends.

Be prepared
Practise answers to common interview questions - e.g. what are your strengths and weaknesses?

Prepare questions for the interviewer
Have two or three questions ready to ask the interviewer to show you really want the job.

Dress for success
If you're unsure what to wear, it's always better to be slightly overdressed.



  • Use positive body language
    Posture and eye contact says a lot about your interest in the job
  • Keep your responses relevant to the question
    Take the time to gather your thoughts so you can give a clear response
  • Be clear why you want the job
    Prepare to illustrate why you're the best person for the role.


  • Use tentative language
    Avoid phrases like "I feel I could" and "I think I can" – be firm
  • Speak negatively about past employers
    This can give the impression you're a difficult employee
  • Be evasive
    Turn any career gaps on your CV into a positive.


Close on a positive note
Professionally sum up why you're the best person for the role.

Thank the interviewer
Show you appreciate them considering you for the job; think about sending a thank you note within 24 hours too.

Be patient
Remember a hiring decision might not be made straight away.